Saturday, January 5, 2013

PETITIONS: HOLLYWOOD REFORM THYSELF!! What is the Difference Between ACTUAL Celebrity News and Celebrity/Fan Hollywood PR Assaults??

In a nutshell, the difference is harassment vs. entertainment.

Anyone of any age or location around the world can sign the petition - since we are not talking about changing any US Laws. The companies that the petition targets owns gossip media in the United States - but many of them also own media around the globe, and they certainly have audiences with the entire world. We're just trying to gather a VOLUME of unhappy signatures at this time.

Sexism in Hollywood and Starlets Who are Attempting to do Something About it.

Yeah, I have some really good reasons WAY beyond Twilight;
and incidentally - I did not originally start this petition for
Twilight's celebrities or that fanbase. But sorry, 
still need to scroll down thru my 'Twilight' intro to read this.
Or you can just keep reading... This post is/was a
running commentary for awhile. :)

For Twilight Fans who are keeping track of a timeline;
the petition was started right after Justin Bieber's
Ferrari / paparazzi death situation that occurred
shortly before the tabloids began with the
'trial separation' smear that the rags hit us
(and Kris and Rob) with in January 2013.

Update 5/2015 - Okay, everyone who takes the time to send me an email goes on about 'how mean I am', LoL! I'm not mean, it is just that the truth hurts. OUCH! This petition is/was a heartfelt fan rant; which makes it plenty good enough for our purposes.

However, there have been several suggestions for me to rewrite the petition to be more 'sane-sounding'. I was really hoping someone with more expertise would take that task on. I mean, it's not like I am incapable of writing without every other word being in caps, ha!

Things won't change until we make them change. I am not talking about changing Free Speech or Free Press - at all. Give this petition a chance! It is Okay to actually care about the real lives of celebrities and their emotionally-invested fans. Freedom of Speech & Freedom of the Press were never meant to protect manipulative lying that intentionally lowers people's quality of life for profits. I'll tell you all about the petition once you get past this introduction.

This petition was down for a couple months, but as of 3/8/15 - is back again by request... The petition for Hollywood tabloid & paparazzi reform. You can all utilize it, create your own - or not. It's up to you to change this ugly, hate-spewing part of our world.
The Truth About ‘Robsten’
Cheating Scandal & Fake Photos DEBUNKED Here

We girls of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s never had to go through ANYTHING like the cruel & intentional emotionally-harsh obsession-bashing that has been going on with Hollywood’s tabloids & Twilight fans for years – and in the extreme for the past 2.5 years. Gossip rags have been INTENTIONALLY assaulting fans, NOT ‘entertaining’ them – for money.

Yeah, there are many of us who have a huge problem with this neverending & misogynistic bs.

Robert Pattinson’s Career-Hindering Rover Smear
Based on the Whole Wide World’s Twilight Saga Hate

This movie FLOPPED amidst RARE (for him) GLOWING reviews from movie critics at
film festivals who compared his performance to Leo DiCaprio’s Oscar-Nominated
performance in ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’. Yeah, it’s a HUGE deal!!

Here’s a splash from Nico’s article: "Trampire:" Why the Public Slut Shaming of Kristen Stewart Matters for Young Women “I don't care if Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders did it in a car, in a bar, in a house or with a mouse. But while I might not be concerned for K-Stew, I am concerned for my younger stepsister who idolizes and worships her....” And this is an update from Nico on Salon: Racist 'Twilight' fans won't stop harassing Robert Pattinson's girlfriend, FKA Twigs

Reminder: The ‘Cheating’ Scandal Happened on July 24th, 2012

Published on Jan 3, 2015 – Tabloid Video - Kristen Stewart:
"Get the F*CK OUT of my face!"
Faces free lesbian dating site rumors!

- Always check out the audience comments
when viewing articles & videos if they are available.

This is the ‘description’ of this video: How did kristen stewart become an actress? An autograph hound asks Kristen Stewart to sign a Twilight photo showing her and ex-boyfriend Robert Pattinson together, and Kristen curses the guy out with an f-bomb. It's been years since Rob had any Kristen Stewart teeth marks. Some reports online have said recently that Kristen met her girlfriend on a free online lesbian dating site, and Kristen has been an unspoken supporter of the gay and lesbian community. Do you think lesbian meeting sites are a great place to meet online singles? (Video Courtesy: Splash News AKA Paparazzi *ssholes)

Original Post Beginning:

One of the many reasons why this petition is here and targeted the way it is - is because there ARE paparazzi laws in place that either can't or are not being enforced for whatever reason.

The second main reason this petition is here is because tabloids are DIFFERENT than 'entertainment' magazines. Tabloids intentionally LIE in order to 'sensationalize' news that stirs fanbases up and creates hype. They do this WHILE hiding behind 'Freedom of Speech' and 'Freedom of the Press'. These patriotic things were intended to PROTECT the TRUTH about absolutely everything - not to lie to people in harmful ways that cause hate, chaos and reduce the quality of our lives.

Life is hard enough - we want improvements that entertain us. That is supposed to be the job of these magazines - so really, it's not too much to ask of them.

The only way that seems to be available for the world to get our demands across to tabloids & paparazzi is via a unified complaint that insists they reform their reporting standards to include more integrity; and FOLLOW CURRENT LAWS. We are not asking for a change in Freedom of Speech or Freedom of the Press - at all.

We finally reached our first signature goal, but now we have another goal to reach - and then another one and another one. People ARE coming through here - but it's kind of scary to be one of the few people who start something like this. Be brave - things won't change until we make them change.

So far, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez fans have
signed this petition; along with a very heartbroken
Cindy McCready fan; Kristen Stewart fans - including MOMS,
Robert Pattinson fans; still heartbroken Princess Diana fans... and others.
Yeah, it's time for ALL celebrity fans to unite for some very good reasons.

It's really strange... Many times, when a Celebrity fan gets angry about how a Celebrity is being mistreated, they will start up a NEW petition (yes, I've looked into this subject). There are literally hundreds if not THOUSANDS of different petitions out there that have been started over the years on behalf of angry Celebrity fans and just about EVERY DAY someone starts a NEW ONE... 

By joining forces with other unhappy fans of other mistreated Celebrities - the idea is that we will continue to build on these petitions until we have enough signatures to make ALL of our frustrations LOUD enough to be heard AND taken seriously.

Remember 'back in the day' when daytime talk shows used to be so nasty and everyone started SCREAMING about it? Those kinds of shows became niches at night and Oprah changed the entire format of her show... Oprah's 'Angel Network' NOR her Book Club might not EXIST if it wasn't for OUR SHRILL SCREAMS.

The petition and this post started shortly after the Justin Bieber Ferarri/Paparazzi Death situation that occurred. While Hollywood would like us all to believe that changes are not possible within their well-protected Industry of Celebrity Mistreatment - they're WRONG. 

If you've got a Celebrity scandal that you're following and angry about - these petitions are meant to UNITE ALL FANS of ALL CELEBRITIES. Make YOUR issues KNOWN within the comment section of your signature as others have - then they'll know why YOU are up there. :)

THIS is JUST the good kind of maddening punishment a mom - especially - would like to give out...

How do YOU think you should be punished, Dear... What do YOU think you should change? Gee, maybe it would even be a good idea if these publishers & paps worked with the actors union on this issue - maybe between the two sides, they could ALL come up with some reasonable new reporting parameters that work for everybody.

If anyone feels they can write this petition out better, please do. *I* think it's good enough for our purposes for now, but it's not very 'official'. It's pretty much a heartfelt fan RANT - which again, *I* think is perfect; but I know not everyone agrees with me on that. ;)

CHANGE IN HOLLYWOOD IS POSSIBLE with time and voices being added daily!!

Pass them around after you sign - we can't change Hollywood's Celebrity lifebashing ways without literally VOLUMES of signatures!

Los Angeles Times: The Tabloids Don’t Deserve the First Amendment. Here’s a splash:

“The problem is that the culture of tabloid journalism in both Britain and the United States is deeply tied to criminal acts. Without illegal conduct, tabloids could not preempt the mainstream press, and they would not survive.

Although the law provides us with the tools we need to punish crimes related to free speech, the judicial system is too quick to bow before the 1st Amendment, and as a result we end up shielding criminals who misrepresent themselves as journalists and activists.
If Congress truly wants to resolve this issue, it should take a cue from the British Parliament and hold hearings to investigate this systemic problem. This is not just a matter of ineffective prosecution and judicial weakness. The root of the problem is our reluctance as a nation to accept that something can be criminal when it involves expression.
Crime is crime. Tabloid journalism uses illegal tactics, and it does not deserve absolute protection from the 1st Amendment.”
Update 7/13/14
I've been saying this is the norm for a really long time, now; but
George Clooney of course carries bigger clout than I do...
"The Mail knew the story in question was false and printed it anyway."

Sorry, George, you are no more special than any other celebrity out here.
And your fiance is now tabloid fodder, too - whether you like it, or not.
One of the UK papz favorite image captures of Princess Kate has
been 'windy up-skirts'. Just tell your bride to never wear a dress.

This is a NEW PROBLEM for society...

For those of you who are having trouble getting this perspective, here's a portion of JUST ONE email (below) I've received from a young girl regarding the Twilight/Robsten PR Assaults. But these kinds of feelings are created by Hollywood's rumor mongering everyday. It doesn't matter which Celebrities are involved.

are truly frustrating. Do you gossip rags have no one
better to pick on than the easy-target-hearts of his YOUNG fans?!


Cry for HELP in email from a Twilight Fan: "Thank you for writing that wonderful was heaven sent. ...please tell him..everyone is doing this and its killing me..but everybody acts like they dont know what im talking about..I think I may have never needed anything so bad in all of my life than for somebody to tell him..

When I was a kid (sorry for the nostalgic side-trip - was anyone else here a 'Tiger Beat' fan? ;) celebrity scandals came weeks apart as magazines were printed instead of being such an instantaneous and on-demand, money-making Internet thing... Gossip magazines had to be alot more PICKY about what they published because of the limitations of print (although paparazzi haven't changed much since then).

It is NOT that celebrity stories/rumors would STOP about them - just that they would be more accurate and information/images would be captured with more TRUTH and LESS chaos. This is not a new topic of discussion. People have been fed up with how celebrities are treated for decades. Celebrities should not be stripped of the most basic rights of LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS just because we LOVE them!!

Tom Cruise Settles Defamation Lawsuit Against Tabloid Publisher

sampling - see entire list at the bottom

This is actual Celebrity News: Taylor Swift Gives Cancer-Stricken Fan 'The Best Day Ever'

This is an OFFENSIVE Celebrity/Fan ASSAULTKim Kardashian: MILF in Training (?!!!!!!!)

This is actual Celebrity News: Stephen King writes post-Newtown essay on guns

This is actual Celebrity News: LL Cool J Discusses Childhood Abuse with Oprah

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Ian Somerhalder Gets a Manicure - See Him Being Groomed 

Check Out the 
Paparazzi Reform Initiative
They get credit for initiating the
latest paparazzi laws through the
California Legislature as highlighted in
the article at the top of this post.

This is our anthem... it takes awhile to get to this, so I'm bumping it up here, also.

We have all KINDS of "freedom" in this country to do just about any damn thing we want to - EXCEPT things like murder, rape, stealing, etc.

Take a LIFE - No, you can't do that, we WILL punish you.
Force sex onto someone - No, you can't do that, either.
Steal someone else's property - No, No, No!!

BUT, abuse your beloved Freedom of Speech... 
is WRONG!! I know, I know... The paps "have the RIGHT" and things have ALWAYS been this way.

No, they haven't... We have the Internet NOW, and we can ALL PLAINLY SEE what you're doing WHETHER you have "always done things this way" or NOT.

And NOW that we can SEE... We'd like you to alter the way you treat our beloved Celebrity KINGS and QUEENS, and we DON'T want to have to FORCE any new laws onto you. THAT is another part of having this kind of freedom, you can also CHOOSE to NOT contribute to the HARSHNESS of life and FOCUS on entertaining us like you SHOULD.

Isn't THAT supposed to be YOUR JOBS?!!

Oh my gosh, I hope you don't mind, Marion.. But your comment is so potent. This is her comment from a signature on the petition:

"Paparazzi: You killed Princess Diana with your car chasing; how many more people will you kill with your GREED? Gossip Mags - there are no words for them. They're lying, insinuating rumor mongers who defame & maim people with their rumors just so their headline will draw buyers of their trash. Seriously, you all are damaging a LOT more than celebrities with your trashy articlesfor "unknown sources" and "friends". You seem to enjoy, especially, writing about women celebs/stars in such a cruel way, that I wonder often "Who's going to commit suicide next?"Mindy McCready, Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Princess Diana, I could go on with how many have attempted suicide over the years. Your bullying, character defaming articles served as part of the catalysts to drive these women to that choice. Take responsibility in your actions, or one day, your rags will be out of business! I hope you're sued repeatedly for yourprinted words until you're bankrupt! if you choose not to REFORM."

The WHOLE WIDE WORLD is their classroom, now... You have the opportunity to entertain them in mindboggling ways; and THIS is what you come up with...

think if you "professional" gossip magazines and paparazzi can all care so much for FREEDOM; you can probably all find it within yourselves to CARE about the HEARTS and MINDS of your young (and young-at-heart) audiences.

Because in *my* opinion, what you do isn't even SORT of entertaining - it's abusive harassment. Not only on the Celebrities you assault like this, but on their FANS (your AUDIENCE!) who LOVE them, dearly!!

 Come ON... You can all RAISE your STANDARDS and do BETTER!!

We don't need any thought control and we SHOULDN'T need
any new laws. You should ALL be able to re-assess and reconfigure
your OWN industry standards amongst yourselves.

If not for "the rights" of Celebrities... Then for us FANS!!

CHANGE IN HOLLYWOOD IS POSSIBLE with time and voices being added daily!!

Pass them around after you sign - we can't change Hollywood's Celebrity lifebashing ways without literally VOLUMES of signatures!

Anyone of ANY AGE or ANY LOCATION around
the world can sign the petition since we are
NOT talking about changing any US Laws!!

I've been talking about Amanda Bynes and
how the papz & rags have been hounding
her for awhile - and NOT helping at all!!
And now look what they're doing to her.
WHO THE HELL is talking TMZ about
her condition? This is JUST WRONG.

by Mara Wilson
(Child Star of Matilda, Mrs. Doubtfire Fame)

Halle Berry Describes Daughter's Harassment Terror

Paris Jackson now in all-too-familiar spotlight

This is Amanda Byrnes trying to get
into her apartment as a Paparazzi
repeatedly injects himself into her
personal space to remove the scarf
from her face so they can get a pic.

What do you think... Should THIS be LEGAL?


She's either unbalanced or you really
ARE driving her crazy!!!

- And you're driving US crazy while we
watch you TORTURE HER!!

Jada Pinkett-Smith Speaks Out on
'Dehumanizing' Young Celebrities

And here's a rumor about her son, Jaden Smith
that went viral recently - supposedly, he wanted
to be 'emancipated' from his parents,
Will Smith and Jada.

I'm sorry, there is just NO WAY on GOD'S GREEN
EARTH that a child who grew up with THIS man who
wrote and performed THIS video to the point of
- could grow up WANTING out, LoL!

Do any of you even remember Will Smith's DEBUT as
The Fresh Prince of DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince?

AND, both Will Smith & Jaden Smith were in
the MIDDLE of promoting their new movie,
"After Earth" - a flick they filmed together,
father & son. Awwwwwwww...
It hardly sounded like there
was trouble in Wonderland for their kids.

Update 5/26/13 - What a TREAT! This video just went VIRAL!!

Btw, I've heard a bunch of judgmental opinions out there
from some of Will's fans about how you 'wanted to push
Jaden back out of the way' during this video...

He's a KID who is - despite growing up in Hollywood
and experience already - LEARNING how to be in
the spotlight like that. Many times, young celebs
compensate for this inexperience (and stress/pressure)
by overcompensating for it; PLUS despite that WE
are more into Will during this video, Jaden already
has HIS OWN fans via The Karate Kid, mostly.

Will was not necessarily the focal point of this
video for everyone out there - and Jaden IS
the 'up-and-comer' who DID manage to
stir up his own fanbase...

And gosh I think his Dad was doing a pretty
good job of showing him exactly how to do that. ;)

It is my opinion - and others, I hope; that you Hollywood
gossip tabloids really need to back off these
young celebrities AND their fans.

While I'm SURE Jada & Will have their children as
protected as they can possibly be in the Hollywood
realm; WHY should ANYONE have to protect their
kids from something supposedly as HARMLESS

Btw, their daughter, Willow, had a HIT SONG
and started developing a fanbase of her own.
I just watched it for the first time after I put
this link up - and I don't know, it sure seems
to me that she had it going on...
But, she has decided that she doesn't want to
be in the spotlight like that, anymore.
MAYBE one experience was enough for her, and
maybe she'll change her mind again in the future;
then again - maybe all the judgmental remarks
that were being made 'out here' by people
made the thought of continuing unpalatable.

Kinda makes you wonder...

Jodie Foster Blasts HOLLYWOOD's Lifebashing Ways

This is another young Starlet I've been a little worried about, lately
Amanda Byrnes. And this is the latest about her: She's
threatening to sue everyone she needs to in Hollywood.

"I'd like to put up their worst photos on my twitter until they only start putting up my twitter photos," she reiterated, "when writing a story when there is NO story, just an awful photo posted with instead of a caption."

"They say I have erratic behavior when I do NOTHING wrong," she added. And to be fair, there isn't anything wrong with piercings, blow-outs, the occasional smoke, wigs or even socks and sandals. "There's NOTHING with my life, other than you putting up awful candid photo after photo."

Hollywood Paparazzi & Gossip Magazines
vs. Hollywood STARS
Why does the 'Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness'
part of the US Constitution NOT APPLY to Celebrities?

For those of you who are wondering why I am taking the time to make a big stink about this subject, it's because I've been working on it for awhile via the big "Robsten" cha-ching campaigns that have been going on for YEARS.

It's time to expand beyond them...

This is an OFFENSIVE Celebrity/Fan ASSAULT: Kim Kardashian: MILF in Training (?!!!!!!!!!!!! I could really scream over this one, and I'm not even sort of a Kardashian fan!! NOTICE how MANY are directed towards WOMEN like this?!!)

This is actual Celebrity News: Stephen King writes post-Newtown essay on guns

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Did Kristen Stewart Work Herself into a 'Jealous Rage' at Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry?

This is actual Celebrity News: Melissa McCarthy punched Jason Bateman, gave him a bloody nose while filming 'Identity Theif'

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Is Beyonce Enjoying Sex More Now that She's a Mum? 

This is actual Celebrity News: Damon 'hijacks' Kimmel's ABC show

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Has Gwyneth Paltrow Put Cameron Diaz on 'Sex Ban' to Help Her Settle Down?

This is actual Celebrity News: Top 10 Moments from Sundance

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Amber Heard Pushes Johnny Depp Away as She Prefers Women

This is actual Celebrity News: Taylor Swift Gives Cancer-Stricken Fan 'The Best Day Ever'

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Was it a 'Stoned Sex Romp' that led to Justin Bieber Selena Gomez split

This is actual Celebrity News: LL Cool J Discusses Childhood Abuse with Oprah

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Ian Somerhalder Gets a Manicure - See Him Being Groomed 

This is actual Celebrity News: Serena Williams tweets pic of hugely swollen ankle

This is an offensive Celebrity/Fan assault: Jennifer Aniston Hated by Kristen Stewart

Know who Pink Floyd is, Monsters?
(see videos below) 
This is a good example of timeless inspiration;
with Celebrity FANS RECLAIMING the airwaves for whom
 they were created for - including the Internet.

We are NOT TALKING about silencing FREE SPEECH!!
We're talking about RESTORING the most BASIC privacy
rights AND freedoms to our beloved celebrities.
There IS a difference!!

We don't need no Paparazzi...
We don't need no thought control...

YEAH, I'm comparing you "professional" paparazzi AND
Hollywood gossip magazine writers, reporters and editors to

I know school still sucks for many young peeps today - but, it used to suck WAY MORE before stuff like this started CHANGING people's attitudes about HUMAN HEARTS.

When I was a kid, celebrity scandals came weeks apart as magazines were printed instead of being such an instantaneous and on-demand, money-making Internet thing... Gossip magazines had to be alot more PICKY about what they published because of the limitations of print (although paparazzi haven't changed much since then).

This is a NEW PROBLEM for society...

And THIS is your up-and-coming world now, children... Do you like how Hollywood treats you? Do you think you will still appreciate it as much when it is YOUR kids who's hearts these paparazzi and gossip rags are jerking around as teenagers 20-40 years from now?

We're not talking about CHANGING any US Laws - it doesn't matter how old you are OR what your location is - SINCE Hollywood is pretty much a generic-type, intangible BEAST spread out around this planet. The people that this first petition targets own media both in the US and around the planet - and they certainly have audiences with the ENTIRE WORLD.

PLUS, I'm using Pink Floyd's song - it's a worldwide, forever SMASH HIT!! ;)

Dang, both videos I had up here have been
CAUGHT and are down now, ha!
Scroll down to the mashup - it's still on and
probably even more poignant. ;)

I'm sorry, I just HAD to add this mashup. ;)
"Stayin Alive in the Wall"
Another Brick in the Wall & Stayin Alive - Hysterical!!
This is what you get when you put great UK music and
an American icon together - John Travolta dancing DISCO
to Another Brick in the Wall!!

(And gosh YES, was a HUGE fan of the Bee Gees. Did anyone
else want to run their fingers through Barry Gibb's hair, LoL!!)



    1. Este es el enlace a la peticiones, probablemente usted puede firmar de su país, Martha: son para el mundo, no sólo a los Estados Unidos.




  2. Here's to at least trying - thanks, Martha!

    Translation of her comment, above:
    I hope that soon we can stop the harassment ON KRISTEN STEWART WITH HIS HELP GREETINGS THANK YOU

  3. I love both Rob and Kristen and I hate to see them apart, but it's their decision what they do with their lives. I know that The Twilight Saga changed my life as well a theirs and anyone who is connected to the franchise, I just wish people, mainly the tabloids, either be it magazine, entertainment shows and other resources, and haters would leave them alone and let them sort out whatever is going on between them without worrying what people outside the relationship nosing around in their business. I would be over-the-moon happy if they get back together after all that has happened. If they don't, I will be heartbroken and will accept that they had to move on. If humanity can't accept what is and will be, then I say this planet is doomed.

    1. Yolanda, most of us are with you on this... So why don't you sign the petitions for gossip reform? You've seen what they are doing to them, and you're obviously irritated about it as are so many others. Why is all this harassment Okay with you TwiLadies?

  4. freedom of speech/press. sure you can ask for reform... but its not the media thats the problem, its the public buying into trash thats the problem. the media is a buisness. they sell what is statically proven to sell. if the public begins to boycott offensive trash headlines/articles statistics will change and then thr media will reform. why? because thats where thr next dollar will be. Very little is governed by moral responsibility. its all cash kids.

    1. What are you, a member of the media sent to dash our hopes by telling us the obvious? The POINT is that what they do has NOTHING to do with Freedom of Speech - LIBEL, etc. There is absolutely no reason why they can't raise the integrity bar where pr assaults surrounding children are concerned.

    2. (Btw, *I* have already SAID ALL THIS in here, DUH!!)

      FIRST: I am VERY suspicious of this comment because the message that is left is THE SAME ONE Twilighter from the silly "Justice for Kristen" blog kept trying to shove down my throat. *I* honestly think that at least SOME of these 'Robsten fake photos/staged stunt' websites are backed by Hollywood's tabloids. These sites have done MORE HARM than the tabloids, themselves.

      They know DAMN WELL that we will NEVER be able to succeed in a boycott against them because too many people will 'sneak a peak' - that's probably why they keep pushing it.

      SECOND: Hollywood's tabloids & paparazzi CAN REFORM to make their content more responsible by doing things like NAMING THEIR SOURCES (that is NOT a violation of Freedom of Speech to require them to name the source of every damn one of their 'rumors'.)

      THIRD: Don't let people like this kill the mission... Remember 'back in the day' when daytime talk shows used to be so nasty and everyone started SCREAMING about it? Those kinds of shows became niches at night and Oprah changed the entire format of her show... Oprah's 'Angel Network' NOR her Book Club might not EXIST if it wasn't for OUR SHRILL SCREAMS.

    3. Hollywood's tabloids AND paparazzi CAN CHANGE to raise their OWN industry standards to include more integrity in their 'reporting' practices.

    4. And besides... PROSTITUTION and CHILD TRAFFICKING are also 'business about CASH'. Do we allow those things to be legal?!!! Sorry, this response really pushed my button on this angle.
